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Meet Our Team > Employee Spotlight: Emma P.

Employee Spotlight - Emma P.

Emma joined the Perfect Memorials Marketing Team in early 2022. Emma loves to travel and hopes to some day hike the Camino de Santiago in Spain. She enjoys being outside and exploring new places with her family. We asked Emma some questions to get to know her better, here are her answers;

Emma with her wife and daughter
Emma (left), her wife and their daughter

If you had unlimited time and resources, how would you spend your days?

Traveling the world and learning new skills, languages. At the beach, hiking, surfing, etc. What I would really like to do in my lifetime is hike the pilgrimage in Spain: Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage. It’s basically a hike where you’re backpacking through Spain. There are multiple routes, but the one I would like to complete is the route  that starts in France and it ends on the coast in Spain at a catholic church (Santiago de Compostela).  For a lot of people it’s a religious and spiritual experience. Thousands of people do it every year, and it dates back to the 11th century! It does take about 30-40 days to complete on average. I would do it alone or with my wife, Hana.

Who is your hero / Role Model?

RBG - Ruth Bader Ginsburg and my grandpa! RBG paved the way for a lot of women, in general, she’s the glue that held her family together. She put herself and her husband through Law School, while he was going through cancer treatment. She did what most women couldn’t, in a time that didn’t allow them to. My other hero is my grandpa. He  was a self-made guy and his family was super poor growing up. When he got older, he built a company: Holler Store. It was a small corner store market, with penny candy, groceries, and meat dept. He was a butcher as well. He was a small town guy but was so welcoming to people from all walks of life. Lots of wisdom there!

Emma's dog, Libby.
Emma's dog, Libby.
Emma's dog, Tassie.
Emma's dog, Tassie

What do you like most about working at Perfect Memorials?

I really enjoy my team and the flexibility. I think what we do matters, we are actually helping people and providing a needed service. We do it in a way that feels less corporate and more personal, a small family business vibe.

What is a unique skill you bring to your job?

I have a ton of experience in customer service roles and sales roles, and I think that’s helpful to see things from a customer's perspective AND a business perspective. Plus I have a little bit of a background in design. I also really like to try new things to see what works and what doesn’t. I am not afraid of taking risks or trying new things, especially if it could help the business and our customers.

Where did you work before Perfect Memorials?

I was a dental assistant for 4-5 years. I worked some sales jobs in Telecom for a while, for various big name companies. I took interest in marketing and design so I did some freelance work for a while. I then found Perfect Memorials and I have been here for a little over a year now.