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Meet Our Team > Employee Spotlight: Danny T

Employee Spotlight - Danny T.

Danny has been with Perfect Memorials since 2018. He works on our technology team, particularly as it pertains to our website. He has a ton of experience working in e-commerce and make sure that our website is available for our valued customers at all times. We sat down with Danny to get to know him a little more, here are his answers. 


Can you describe your role and how long you've been with Perfect Memorials?

Simply put, I manage our ecommerce platforms and IT. I’ve been here 5 years.

How did you get started in your career?

I have a degree for computer science. I started in software engineering and transitioned to web. For the last 20+ years, I've been in IT and web development. My high school education was very science and math based and this is was what originally got me interested in this field. 

What is your favorite part of working at Perfect Memorials?

Being a small business. I have a lot of control over what I do and can work very closely with my colleagues. I like that we have a small team.

What is your favorite movie? Why is it your top choice?

That's easy. Top Gun. The original, relased in 1986. I really like how it depicts the mental strength of the characters and their drive to be the best. It is inspiring to me. 

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I would like to go to Japan. It is the cleanest snd most polite place I have ever been. I'd really like to go back again for a visit. People there are very kind, patient and tolerant. 

    Do you have any hobbies others may not know about?

    I like to travel all over the world. My favorite part of traveling is trying new foods. 

    If you could have dinner with any person, who would it be any why?

    My father. He was the only one that really drove me to be successful. He was a business person in the travel agency field. He traveled all over the world. He is also part of the reason I am in the IT field. He made sure that I took my education seriously and sent me to a good college in Minnesota.